Join our unique purchasing cooperative.


How Prime Hospitality Solutions LLC can help you

Prime Hospitality Solutions LLC (originally Hospitality Services Group) is far more than a purchasing Group - we provide a comprehensive solution to food cost control:

  • Typical savings of 5-15% of purchases.

  • Prime starts saving you money and is cash flow positive from day one.

  • Every order you place is comparatively shopped with multiple vendors.

  • You make product and quantity decisions, Prime handles the time-consuming details.

  • Prime combines the varied needs of our clients for bidding purposes and uses your cumulative buying power to negotiate the best possible prices and service.

  • Our group purchases goods and services from over 50 of the industry’s leading suppliers, assuring a fair and competitive bidding process. This allows you to receive the products you need when you need them and at the best possible price.

  • We maintain a continually updated database of product information, supplier availability and pricing.

  • Inventory and recipe costs are automatically updated each time you purchase an item.

  • Prime works for and is paid by clients; our only goal is to lower your costs.

  • Excellent risk/reward ratio; very low risk with strong savings potential.

  • Prime allows you to take full advantage of industry leading software tools for planning and food cost control.




Prime HS LLC Headquarters

180 Reading St.

Manchester, NH 03104

Contact Info



OuR Mission

Prime wants to be part of your management team. We’ll take care of the day to day behind the scenes operations so you have the time to be front and center with your patrons.



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